Join your BOMA colleagues for lunch on February 21st to hear the latest updates from Michael Freimuth, Executive Director of the Capital Region Development Authority, on their work to stimulate new investment and economic growth in the Hartford region.
Michael Freimuth has been the Executive Director of the Capital Region Development Authority (CRDA) since its creation in 2012. He oversees CRDA’s entertainment and convention facilities, housing and commercial development programs and regional initiatives. Mr. Freimuth has over 40 years in real estate, finance, banking, and public sector development.
Prior to joining CRDA, he served as Commissioner of Development for the City of New Rochelle, NY. In that position, Freimuth oversaw housing, building, planning, zoning, economic development, transportation and parking as well as special projects. Freimuth also served as the Director of Economic Development for the City of Stamford, CT where he negotiated large scale commercial and residential deals, secured project financing and managed the enterprise zone, entertainment district and multiple tax incentive programs. Previously Freimuth served as Director of the Office of Planning and Economic Development for the City of Bridgeport, CT, was a senior legislative assistant in the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington DC and managed a real estate subsidiary of a mutual savings bank headquartered in Connecticut.
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
The REC Hartford
160 Trumbull St., Hartford
BOMA Members $30
Nonmembers $50
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