Get Involved!
Becoming involved in a committee is one of the best ways to enhance your member experience with Greater Hartford BOMA. Committee participation provides countless networking and leadership development opportunities. Participating in a committee is also a rewarding way to gain a better understanding of the association. While the charges of each committee are strategically set by association leadership, it is up to committee members to accomplish yearly goals and objectives through the implementation of new ideas, execution of teamwork and realization of a shared vision. The work of the Greater Hartford BOMA committees is vitally important to the success and progress of the association. Consider joining one of our committees today.
Gus Johnson Golf Committee
The purpose of the Gus Johnson Golf Committee is to coordinate a golf tournament to raise funds for the Gus Johnson Scholarship Fund. Responsibilities of committee members include finding sponsorship, purchasing prizes, organizing contests and volunteers, hiring the master of ceremonies, coordinating the function with the golf course, etc.
Program Committee
The Program Committee is responsible for the organization of the monthly BOMA/Greater Hartford Programs. The committee determines program topics and selects speakers that would be of current interest to the membership. The monthly meetings generate revenue for the local chapter.
Membership Committee
Our goal is to maintain and expand the current membership and create new avenues to expand our direction. The Membership Committee recruits new members and educates current members as to the benefits of joining and retaining membership in BOMA.
How to Sign Up
If you are interested in joining a committee or have additional questions, please contact our Executive Office at 860-243-9691 or [email protected].